Complaint Procedure

Sometimes you may feel that the service we have provided to you has not reached the standard that you have come to expect, and you would like to have the opportunity to express your views to the practice. We feel that very often the problems that arise between the practice and a patient are due to misunderstandings or are issues that can be resolved within the practice and for this reason this practice has a practice-based complaints procedure to give you an opportunity to tell us your concerns and have those concerns investigated.

Below we present some “Q & A” guidelines in this respect which we hope you may find helpful.

What if I have a suggestion for an improvement in the service that the practice provides?

We will carefully consider any suggestions put to us by our patients and, where practical, undertake to implement the changes suggested.

How do I let the practice know of my ideas for improvement?

Please use our online suggestion form or write your suggestion down and either send this to the practice manager or give it to a member of the reception team to pass on to the practice manager. Please try to make comments constructive as we do wish to provide an excellent service.

How do I make a complaint?

We take all patient complaints very seriously and each complaint is investigated very thoroughly and as quickly as possible. In most cases you should ask to speak to the practice manager, giving details of your complaint. If your complaint involves the practice manager, you may write directly to any of the partners.

What will happen to my complaint?

The practice manager will acknowledge receipt of your complaint, in writing, within two days of the complaint being made. You will also be advised as to how long the subsequent investigation will take. This is usually 14 days but may be longer depending on the circumstances of the complaint.

How will my complaint be investigated? 

If your complaint is about a practice procedure (appointments etc) or if it is about the behaviour of a member of the reception/administration team etc, the practice manager will investigate the situation and discuss the complaint with the parties involved.

If your complaint is about a clinical matter or about the behaviour of one of the clinical team, the practice manager will bring this to the attention of one of the partners who is not involved with the complaint (usually the senior partner.) The practice manager and that partner will then investigate the complaint together.

At the end of the investigation, you will be advised, in writing, of the outcome and of any remedy that is to be implemented (you will, however, not be advised of any disciplinary action to be taken against staff as this is deemed to be confidential).

What can I do if I do not feel that the complaint has been handled correctly or I am unhappy with the outcome?

If you are not satisfied with the results and outcome of our investigation, you should contact the practice manager within 14 days of receiving the letter advising of the result of the complaint. You will then be invited to meet with the practice manager and a partner to discuss your ongoing concerns.

What do I do if I am still not satisfied?

You may at any time contact:

J B Russell House,
Garnavel Royal Hospital

Telephone: 0141 314 4193